Elevate Teams, Elevate Brand | Mobio Group’s Loyalty Program

Only the invincible heroes of Bruce Willis save the world alone. And only in movies. In real life, it is much more often teamwork that leads to success, whether it is the creation of a neural network, a 14% overnight rise in shares (Amazon, Nasdaq, February 2022), the creation of the best app (BeReal in 2022 according to Google users) or the promotion of mobile applications by Mobio Group team.
“The success of the best companies is in teamwork”, is the opinion Google came to after analyzing dozens of teams and interviewing hundreds of executives and rank-and-file employees in its study, codenamed “Project Aristotle.” The researchers found that what really matters is not who is on the team, but how the team works together.
Now more than ever, collaboration has become a cornerstone of a successful business, because in many companies, including Mobio Group, most team members work remotely. With a remote-friendly approach, a productive and successful team will only be one in which employees, being in different countries, time zones and even continents, strive to achieve a common result, not just their own.
The team spirit and the feeling of involvement in the common work process do not appear spontaneously. A lot of work has to be done in achieving this using various techniques to motivate employees. And monetary motivation, which is certainly necessary, cannot be the only way to increase the interest of team members in the success of the company.
The world of digital marketing is very actively developing, and our company has also grown a lot over the past year — the team, cases, and geolocation in which we work have increased. For continued successful growth it is important for us to find new methods of personnel involvement and motivation, especially since most of our employees work remotely. That’s why our Marketing and HR team introduced the Mobio Group Loyalty Program in 2023.
The essence of our program is employee engagement in their work, contests, social media and internal team interaction.
The goal is the involvement of team members in the overall development and promotion of the company.
The means are the internal M-coins. The accumulated M-coins can be exchanged for prizes, such as an Ipad, an Apple Watch or a robot vacuum cleaner ⬇️

How the Mobio Group’s Loyalty Program works in practice:
Employees earn M-coins for their activities. To do this, they need to repost the company’s posts in social networks, like and comment on posts. They can also get M-coins for a good job as a reward from colleagues — for the help, cool project and just a good job, any employee can thank his colleague by giving him 1 M-coin. Points can also be earned for the best work in the company’s competitions. One of the latest ones is a photo contest for the most creative workplace.

The team was also carried away with the competition “Covers for Zoom”. The guys created their projects with artificial intelligence and honed their professional skills in using MJ.

The entire process is described in our Notion knowledge base. At the end of each month we calculate the number of points for all activities, appreciations and contests in a table.
In the group created in Slack all Loyalty Program participants share news, achievements, gratitude and ideas. The data on M-coins earned is also published there, and the finalists of the week are announced.
Loyalty Program helps us with the following tasks:
● Increasing Mobio Group Brand Awareness — team members activity in corporate social networks grows and, accordingly, the reach of the potential audience expands.
● Involvement of employees in the common work process — interest in the activities of other departments, assessing the level of their competence, increasing the level of corporate culture.
● Establishment of feedback system — allows employees to be aware of internal problems, to learn about the company’s plans and to respond quickly to any changes taking place within the organization.
● Increasing the interest of team members in the quality of their work — the professional activities of the guys are connected to the game process, communication with related departments, and a healthy competitive spirit.
We try to unite our employees, to reveal their potential and their best sides. Loyalty Program helps us not only to encourage our people with cool prizes, but also to discover their talents, such as in our last contest for the best creative photo of their workspace. With M-coins, it’s now much more fun for everyone to get involved in these kinds of challenges. LP gives everyone the freedom to choose a prize — whether it’s just a cake or a brand-new airpods.
Elizabeth Goman — Head of HR Department, Mobio Group
Increase of any team involvement in marketing activities, whether it is articles or press releases — it is a pain for any marketer. How does one solve this problem? We’ve come up with a solid solution together with the HR Department of Mobio Group — to give prizes for the employees’ activity in the company’s own Loyalty Program in the social networks. The results exceeded our expectations:
Valeria Likhach — Head of Marketing, Mobio Group
1. The reach of Mobio Group publications in all social networks increased.
2. Brand Awareness increased, not only among clients but also among potential candidates (and since we’re hunting for talent in Performance Marketing — this is a very important indicator for HR branding).
3. The team has become proactive towards the company: participating in contests, discussing new articles, case studies, and ratings.
All this is very valuable for any manager. To see how your team is involved in everything that is happening in the company, to feel the excitement of the team and enjoy the process. We managed to find the key which is our Loyalty Program.
Choosing the right motivational incentives allows Mobio Group to feel confident within the marketing arena and to continue to develop and feel like one team. Our achievements are our common success.